Easy And Simple To Use
Portable and Painless. Proven to improve skin
health for 10 mins a day.
Rejuvenating and activating skin cells with gentle, non abrasive treatment experience at your fingertips.

Superfractionation Method Therapy
Treatments with Skinova®Beauty, based on the Wellcomet® superfractionation method, form a completely new type of therapy that not only ensures a more beautiful skin appearance within just a short time, but can also considerably improve the effectiveness of aesthetic treatments.
What Can Skinova®Beauty Really Do?
This revolutionary patented technology brings the power of a medical-grade ultrasound treatment safely to your home.
Using the superfractionation method therapy,
the Skinova®Beauty sends ultrasound waves into deep skin layers where traditional skincare products are typically unable to penetrate,
rejuvenating and activating skin cells.
With Skinova®Beauty,
you get to own a gentle, nonabrasive treatment at your fingertips, with zero need for downtime as ultrasound waves will do no harm to the skin.

The distribution of pressure and the penetration of ultrasonic waves of various frequencies

Medical grade ultrasound treatment for all skin tones. Proven to transform your skin. Zero damage. No downtime. Painless.
Real People, Real Results
Trusted & transformative results in Days
Acne-prone skin, Adult acne, Comedonal acne & Papulopustular acne
For 10 mins, use twice daily for a period of 2 weeks
Acne no longer present, infection cleared, and scars have faded

Deep Wound Scarring
For 15mins daily, use for a period of 2months
Remain of skin to improve appearance of scar tissue

Reduce rosacea appearance on the face
For 10mins, use daily for a span of 12 days.
(Results defer depending on each individual skin condition)
Reduces pigmentation and increase blood flow within the skin surface.
Anti-Ageing/ Wrinkles

Anti-Ageing/ Wrinkles
Wrinkles, Anti-Ageing, Pigmentation
For 10mins, use twice daily for two months
Reduced wrinkles and pigmentation, improved muscle tone and skin's elasticity.

Skinova®Beauty Treatment Techniques
Dynamic Vector-Sonotrode Control (DVSC)
This is used in conventional aesthetic facial treatments.
Semi-Static Sonotrode Control (SSSF)
This is used in the treatment of highlighted problem areas (E.g. Wrinkles, Acne)
Using Skinova®Beauty is the easiest
So simply, you don’t have to think about it. Use while watching TV or reading a book.

Step 1
Apply 6 pump of the oxygenating Skinova®Beauty Active Mist

Step 2
Apple 2-3 pumps of the nourishing Skinova®Beauty Priming Serum

Step 3
Hold the Skinova®Beauty over each section of skin you are treating for a min of 3 minutes a day

Experience Skinova®Beauty Today
Experience for yourself today, book a 1-to-1 demo before you buy Skinova®Beauty Device at our experience centers.